The Victory Letter
Get Inspired Every Monday Morning
Stop the Nagging
Welcome back from the holidays!
Yep, it is time to officially head directly into our accountability for the outcome of 2025 and it came to me that this topic of nagging could possibly help to start us off.
Put It To Bed
Sometimes you just have to put things to rest. Not because they don’t matter, but because they do.
All of our moments can change us. Sometimes the changes make us stronger, sometimes weaker, sometimes smarter, and sometimes the change is so slight we hardly even notice.
Naughty or Nice
So, there I was trying to explain to Santa that indeed I should be on the nice list not the naughty list. However, through some technical glitch (or so I thought) there I was, on what I perceived to the be the wrong list! Or was I?! Has that ever happened to you?!
Dare to Dream Bigger
In this week’s video I share more about meditation success (something I am so passionate about) with the focus on how to ground yourself by finding a permanent place in your home to create your practice. Come see where I meditate each morning.
Why Meditate?
What if your 2025 started off with the commitment to start your day taking care of your beautiful mind first? How could that change the story for you for 2025. It’s worth a listen don’t you think?
Feelin Groovy
Where were you in the 1960’s both mentally and physically?
And in asking this question I know for some of you reading this, you were just a sparkle in your Mama’s eyes back then. However, those of you, like me, who were around back in those days, what do you remember?
Gifting Plants
With that perhaps an idea for potential holiday gifting is a living plant. How about paperwhite or amaryllis flowers. A gift idea you can customize for your own taste by planting bulbs in pots that will bloom in the weeks and even months ahead in some cases. And then when they are gone, they are gone. Like so many elements of growth.
Discovering Winter Interests
A new week begins, a new plot to the story line of where you will get to between today and the end of this week.
Finding the Bright Side
Let me first share some preplanned sweetness with this week’s video where I got to find gold at the end of my first season of growing Dahlia’s. At the end of every plant, I dug up I found the possibility of 10 to 15 more plants which are called tubers.
What’s Next
Well, here we go rolling into another week and oh what a week it will be! I don’t know about you, but I am ready to be through this US election cycle. Hopefully in just 48 hours or less a clear result will move our country forward.
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Victory Letter Archive
(Tomatoes, Confidence, etc.)