Stop the Nagging
All change is not growth, as all movement is not forward. Nagging is often mistaken for an attempt to bring change when it’s just seeking attention.
- Ellen Glasgow
Welcome back from the holidays!
Yep, it is time to officially head directly into our accountability for the outcome of 2025 and it came to me that this topic of nagging could possibly help to start us off.
You might be surprised to learn that the #1 person who is usually nagging us is… ourselves. Yep, our inner critic can really do a head trip on us when we don’t do what we say we are going to do, sometimes causing us to give up without really even trying. That doesn’t mean that others may not be nagging us but let’s face it, we are with ourselves more than anyone else 24/7.
The definition of the word nagging is to repeatedly criticize, complain or keep telling someone to do something. In the process to be annoying and disheartening enough to become a “nag.”
This my friends is why I tend to get a lot done most days because I can’t stand it when I say I want something, or will do something, then don’t take the steps I know will take me there. Thus, causing my inner nag aka inner critic to take over.
About this time of year, you hear people saying new year’s resolutions/goals do or don’t work. I believe with the right frame of mind anything can work. And sadly the truth is according to statistics from a variety of sources, only about 8% of the population actually attain the goals they set out to achieve in the new year.
In my mind, that does not mean to not even try because the interesting part about this time of year is that we usually feel deep within ourselves the energy that a new year brings. Getting a plan of action in place during these strong energy days of the new year is imperative to make them happen. But that of course is only the start.
I have a few other suggestions to help but first wanted to share this week’s video about a project we got done in 2024. This in fact was something that had been nagging at me for years, and Ed might even say I nagged him about it, but we finally put up a privacy fence around our trash cans.
My hope is that today’s video will inspire you to put some projects on your list for the year ahead that have been bugging you or someone you love. Big or small your wants and needs in life matter.
Now here are a few keys to keep your motivation going based on some of the things those 8% of people do on a regular basis.
1. Make clear, specific and time based goals where action steps focus on the first quarter of the year, better known as Q1. This will help you to reach for things that are close at hand. Then get you ready for Q2, Q3, and Q4 accordingly.
2. Keep a planner or journal at hand that helps to remind you of these goals daily. Out of sight, out of mind. Be sure to write in the Ta Da's you achieve as you achieve them.
3. Incorporate achievable small action steps into your monthly, weekly and then daily plans. In other words, don’t try to eat the whole thing at once this only leads to burnout.
4. Set up daily routines and habits that motivate you towards taking actions towards your goals. Because a goal without action is like a fish without water...they got no way to get where they are going.
5. Hang out with positive like-minded people that don’t nag but actually help you towards achieving your goals, keeping you accountable in ways that motivate you to take action.
Let’s face it as I write this, we are already 6 days into this year of 2025 and clock just keeps ticking. One of my mottos to go with my word Flow for the year is … If not now when? How about if we all become part of the 8%? Here we go 2025!
Onward we grow,
Cheri Ruskus
Author, Creator and Growth Mentor