The Victory Letter
Get Inspired Every Monday Morning
Final Flower Bouquets
“A flower, if offered in the right spirit, can touch a heart.”
- Emily Dickenson
Join me in this You Tube video as I gather the last of the flowers from my garden this season.
Creating a Garden Indoors
Yesterday I had a meeting with an Intuitive Leadership Coach, and she shared the words of today’s quote during our conversation. Because you know, just like so many of us I am consistently trying to insure that I am fulfilling my purpose for the breaths I take here on the planet.
When is it Too Late for Fall Planting?
Funny as I started writing this week’s letter, I kept getting what some might say is a cosmic nudge (something that comes out of nowhere it seems) to pay attention to the idea of changing rituals that comes with the change of seasons. Honestly, because of this ritual of writing to you every week these nudges seem to happen more often than not.
Beautiful and Quick Small Garden Transformation
Let’s face it, sometimes life is just freaking hard. Life’s troubles seem to come in waves and some even feel like a tsunami.
Quietly Speaking
This morning finds me starting the month of October in California spending time with family and friends. And I have to tell you my love cup has been filled.
Peace Filled Change
Well my friend a new season is upon us. And with the new season many possibilities for change, growth, and who knows what else.
Here in the U.S., we will have a new president during this season and with that change comes a strong hope for peace. A peace that includes much less political rhetoric constantly infiltrating our daily lives. That is a peace I am so looking forward to how about you?
Wealth Check-In
How do you count your wealth? Is it by the numbers in your bank account or the overall happiness in your life? Or perhaps a combination of both?
I don’t know about you, but I love days when I can find myself creatively sidetracked for the entire day. You know jumping from project to project, task to task guided fully by my creative whims.
Feeling the Pain
Dealing with pain. They say no pain no gain, but sometimes we may find ourselves questioning that philosophy. Most especially when it comes to pain, we are feeling in our bodies that may be slowing us down towards getting what we want in life.
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Victory Letter Archive
(Tomatoes, Confidence, etc.)