I have had so many rainbows in my clouds. – Maya Angelou
I don’t know about you, but I love days when I can find myself creatively sidetracked for the entire day. You know jumping from project to project, task to task guided fully by my creative whims.
Nowhere to be and no time constraints to get anything done. Perhaps it empowers my ADHD, and whatever the reason is, the process lights my fire and find I get so much more accomplished. All while enjoying myself in the process.
There is a saying around dreaming big and planning wisely. I agree that planning and sticking to a schedule is important at times. However, there are other times when floating from one creative endeavor to another allows for getting sidetracked as necessary.
Here is my definition of sidetracked:
Simply allowing life to happen as it will.
Ignoring the need to be perfect at anything.
Deciding what to do as the moment guides you.
Entertaining yourself along the way.
Trying new things that you haven’t done before.
Remembering the little things are important too.
Always having fun in the creative process.
Curiously investigating new things.
Kindly sharing your discoveries with others.
Enjoying the time each sidetracked day brings.
Delight in the rainbows of new discoveries about yourself.
One of the sidetracking activities I love to do is deadheading the flowers in my garden. In this week’s video I share how and why I do this to help my flowers bloom even more, plus other calming reasons that I share in the video.
The ultimate beauty of sidetracking is that you eliminate the pressure coming with having to accomplish something and many times end up doing it anyway. Wishing for you in the week ahead, even if you can’t sidetrack for an entire day that you can find an hour here and there. What do you think?
Onward we grow!
Cheri Ruskus
Author, Creator and Growth Mentor
P.S. Ironically today's Victory Letter got a bit sidetracked by technology and is coming to you a little later in the day. I am going to rebuild the lost brain cells by heading back to the garden! 😉
Hope you enjoy today's VL picture that I snapped on the way home from Boulder last week. The view of the new moon was breathtaking!