Beautiful and Quick Small Garden Transformation
Keep your eye on the prize
Let’s face it, sometimes life is just freaking hard. Life’s troubles seem to come in waves and some even feel like a tsunami.
The good news is when things in our life are going really well, I believe, we need not only savor every glorious bit of it, but to share the energy of our happiness with others. Not necessarily financially (though sometimes that can help) but more by what we can do for others as our way of sharing this most important wealth of all...happiness. This increases not only our own happiness but those we care about as well.
I feel like that is what happened to me over these last few days, as I buckled down to give my daughter and son-in-law a new surprise garden. I had a few days here at their home in San Diego, left with the task of watching my grand pups while they took a much deserved trip to New York.
Well, my creative being has a hard time sitting still for too long. The result of this extra creative energy, induced even more by the happiness I feel here in their home, was a redo of their small backyard to include a garden space. This week’s video gives you a glimpse into what I did. ;)
Sharing Wealth
The key when a life Tsunami wave does hit to ask for help. We all have more support around us then realize on most days. Asking for the help you need, when you need it is usually easier than we can allow ourselves to believe is possible at difficult times. Especially those of us of the female persuasion.
Sometimes we can draw our emotions within and it can get pretty chaotic in our own heads, if you know what I mean. By asking and then receiving we can in turn have a better listening ear when someone else is in need, allowing us to help them along the way.
All each of us can do is to keep our eye on the prize, whatever that looks like for each of us on any given day. Remembering that each day we have here on the planet is in itself a gift of wealth.
Onward we grow!
Cheri Ruskus
Author, Creator and Growth Mentor