The Victory Letter
Get Inspired Every Monday Morning
Feeling the Pain
Dealing with pain. They say no pain no gain, but sometimes we may find ourselves questioning that philosophy. Most especially when it comes to pain, we are feeling in our bodies that may be slowing us down towards getting what we want in life.
Lighten Up
This morning as I write to you, I am in the afterglow of not only some wonderful family time over the past days, but also the light left by a beautiful moonset this morning over the mountains.
My question for you this morning is this … What lightens you up?
Joy Filled Habits
Well today I am finishing up my 66th trip around the sun. Tomorrow, I start a whole new trip. I think birthdays should be not only celebrated but especially the older we get, a time spent in reflection and gratitude.
Mistakes Happen
There is always a gift in every mistake. – Meridith Grundei
Have you ever found yourself in a situation that you asked yourself, How did I get here?
Chilling Out
I don’t know about you but a lovely cup of coffee first thing in the morning always sets me up for a good day. In fact, this time of year I love to have that first cup as I cruise through the garden and see what all my plant friends and grasshopper foes are up to.
Totally Unexpected
When was the last time you allowed your mind to get really quiet?
This past weekend I again headed off to a remote location in southern Colorado to get my head quiet for a couple of days at a retreat with 12 other women. I have been doing this retreat with this wonderful group of ladies for the past 3 years.
Out of Sync
This morning as I write to you, I am grappling with the whole idea of perfection. I have been challenged over the past few weeks with grasshoppers, Japanese beetles and earwigs that have decided they like my garden as well.
Feeling The Best
What do you feel when you are feeling - most of the time?
Are you happy, peace filled, grateful, or perhaps sad, stressed out, or feeling that the world or someone in it is out to get you?
Playing Around
When does work become fun and fun become work? That is a question I have been asking myself this past week as I continue on my quest to find what my new normal in life looks like.
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Victory Letter Archive
(Tomatoes, Confidence, etc.)