The Victory Letter
Get Inspired Every Monday Morning
The Other Side
What is one thing in your life right now that you have put off dealing with for one reason or another?
Staying Rooted
What helps you to feel rooted in your life? What gives you those ahh moments where everything seems to be in place just as they should be? Maybe not perfect by some standards but enough to put a smile on your face and in your heart each day.
Pockets of Peace
The suitcases are unpacked, and now the month of May is a beautiful memory that I am slowly but surely unpacking as well. As I do this unpacking, I am relishing in the celebration of a month full of so much love and adventure.
Taking A Pause
I started writing this letter in 1999 because I wanted to remember to look for the good in the world every Monday morning. Little did I know that the words I have written here would become such a friend to me, much like those of you who have been reading along with me for all these years.
The Hobby Results
Here are the top results of what the Victory Letter readers find as the hobbies they love the most…
Losing Power
Yesterday I decided to take most of the day off to marvel at the world around me. With the Eclipse happening and getting past the weekend of no power due to winds that hit in some areas here in Colorado 100 miles an hour. I was ready to get some new energy. Some days we just need to re-power. Even if it is a Monday. ;)
Pushing Past the Fear
In last week’s letter I shared 6 elements to reduce stress with the 6th one being around having a hobby you love. Mine, as many of you know, is gardening. A hobby can transform itself, as gardening did for me, with four key stages.
You Never Know
Well, you may or may not have noticed but last week’s Victory Letter didn’t happen. As those of you who have been with me a while know I rarely miss a Monday. But this past Monday well as this week’s subject line reads, I just couldn’t get it done.
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Victory Letter Archive
(Tomatoes, Confidence, etc.)