Remove the Splinter

Happy Earth Day!

This past week I was reminded of the power of something so small that many times it cannot even be seen only felt.

I am talking about the power of a splinter which is important to talk about from time to time. Truly annoying and amazing how a splinter can make its way through the many pores and crevices of our skin. Once there this little foreign object can implant itself until we find a successful way to remove it.

Sometimes we think we have got it out only to discover the little piece of something is still embedded and causing us pain.

This past week as I prepped for the snow that indeed did come and go, I was cleaning the garden and removing debris before putting down new compost. The result of this activity because I had to remove my gloves from time to time was, I ended up with multiple splinters. Some I could see and feel, others I could only feel as they were way below the surface.

As I moved towards removing these over the past few days I thought once again how splinters in our psyche, those thoughts brought on by our not so wonderful life experiences, can be buried deep. And just like a skin splinter, most times the pain does not go away until we find the culprit that is causing us pain and begin the task to remove it.

This is sometimes easy, and we can do it on our own, and sometimes we need the help of someone who can see it differently than we do to help us to remove the item that is causing us pain.

The best thing to do is create a splinter check and look a little (or a lot) deeper when the pain keeps bubbling up. Because as we know left unattended this little demon can cause even greater damage.

Another powerful medicine that can cure what ails us (not necessarily removing the splinter) is to get outside and enjoy the many essences of the current season and this beautiful planet we get to live on. Bringing me to a say once again happy Earth Day as we remember the many blessings of this beautiful planet.

In researching today’s author of the quote that seemed to fit today's topic, I discovered that Heraclitus was a Greek philosopher who has been remembered for his contribution on naming the importance of fire in keeping the planet orderly. And, he also wrote of about Flux – the idea that life is ever changing and like the planet, as humans we are in constant change. Ebb and flow so to speak.

For earth day here is a video Ed and I did together sharing a conversation about the trees and on our property that we are blessed to have been the stewards of over the past 30 years.

Here’s to a week ahead that brings you peace and many opportunities to enjoy the beauty of the wonderful earth we get to share.

Onward We Grow,


Cheri Ruskus,
Creator and Growth Mentor


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