The Victory Letter
Get Inspired Every Monday Morning
A Christmas Wish
With Christmas just one week from today, where do I begin to share all that transpired over these past several weeks? Let’s begin with a little context of where my heart lies.
Feeling the Feels
Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light. – Helen Keller
Morning or Afternoon
Recently I came across some of the writings on aging and how it effects our minds as duly written by renowned psychiatrist Carl Jung, the founder of analytical psychiatry. His life-long work and influence in many ways changed how we have come to look at the human psyche.
Gratitude Vibes
It’s gratitude week! Yes, that is how I have come to think of Thanksgiving week. And no, it’s not about the pilgrims or the turkey for me
Stuck in the Middle
Where is your middle ground? That place that allows you to see all sides, to think things through and fully be who you were meant to be before you head towards higher ground?
Fear Busters
There is one way to gain the upper hand on fear, by finding the courage to walk through what we fear the most.
Sail On!
Leading into the weekend the forecast of winter weather heading our way was clearly imminent. And even as I prepared to put my garden to bed in the days leading up to Saturday, I knew that the there was no changing the course of what mother nature would in front of me once again this year.
Changing Tolerations
What is not okay are the tolerations that we can tend to put up with in other areas of our lives where we do have control. Often it is because they can require some kind of change in our life.
Doing Some Dreaming
This morning I come to you with this question, which of your dreams from the past are you living today?
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