The Victory Letter
Get Inspired Every Monday Morning
To Each His (Or Her) Own
Recently I had a man come to my door at home trying to sell me insecticide spray for our large property. When I told him he was clearly knocking on the wrong door as I am a passionate organic gardener, he pulled all his sales pitches out of his pocket that he could muster up.
October Blooms
Well as predicted the Fall Equinox happened and guess what it’s Fall y’all! Okay sorry, I had to just say it once and get that out of my system.
With the arrival of October (Happy October!) nighttime temperatures by weeks end are looking towards the 30’s which means one thing here in Colorado – gardening season is coming to an official close. Honestly though I can’t complain after such a beautiful September.
Ready to Stretch?
Well as predicted the Fall Equinox happened and guess what it’s Fall y’all! Okay sorry, I had to just say it once and get that out of my system.
Today I have a free Masterclass I want to share with you but first a little context on where I am coming from this morning.
Change of Focus
The Fall Equinox that happens on Thursday is heavy on my mind as I write this week's letter (a bit late). I have been pondering how do I give even more value as I bring together the women who will be in this last Victory Circle mastermind.
Be Quiet
In this week’s video I share with you a Book Chat that shares lessons learned from the book, The Untethered Soul. I love this book and while I read it many moons ago, it was lovely to recapture the reminders of how to find true peace in our mind. The reminder that if we can quiet our mind from the ongoing chatter we can tend to have with ourselves, life can be so much more stress free.
Window Seat
With Labor Day 2023 in the review mirror here we fully go into the month of September. With it we are about to see what journey our life will take us on as we touch the lives and they hopefully touch our lives in significant ways as well. The journey of course will look different for each of us.
Patience in Steps
One thing I know to be true as an entrepreneur all these years, as well as a gardener, is that the process of running a business as well as growing a garden, takes a mountain of patience. And patience my friend requires the best use of our precious time.
Positive Monday Vibes
The analogy of dead heading comes to mind as it is something I need to do a lot this time of year. Removing what is no longer working for the flowers, those that have been spent, so that new ones can grow.
Happy Birthday to Me
Today at 2:42 mountain time marks my 66th trip on this planet around the sun. Something that seems surreal to me in so many ways, but it is what it is. And I am who I am on this most auspicious occasion in my life.
Dig Deeper
I don’t know about you but lately I have been digging around to find more courage to make changes in my life. And as I shared in last week’s letter, I have decided to start doing something about that by speaking at an event called Ignite Denver on August 16th.
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Victory Letter Archive
(Tomatoes, Confidence, etc.)