The Victory Letter
Get Inspired Every Monday Morning
True To You
Have you ever gone to your GPS for directions, plugged in the destination, but luckily had a pretty good idea where you were headed? I say lucky because Siri, or whoever you use for your GPS, starts to give you the directions that you know will take you the long roundabout way. Even though you had picked the shorter route.
Do The Thing
Have you ever gone to your GPS for directions, plugged in the destination, but luckily had a pretty good idea where you were headed? I say lucky because Siri, or whoever you use for your GPS, starts to give you the directions that you know will take you the long roundabout way. Even though you had picked the shorter route.
Creating vs. Consuming
Do you love the work you do that takes you through most of your days? That kind of soul satisfying work that gets you out of bed each morning with a smile?
Short and Sweet
Balance the chase for success and the joy in the journey. - My lunar horoscope for this week.
Make Ripples
As we live out this last week of June 2023, I hope that the beauty and warmth of this season fills up your yes cup. Then we can make ripples together!
Back To The Drawing Board
The more you are aware of yourself and how you can manage the many things that are on the table, then you can understand where you want to be putting your energies and focus.
Creating Your Masterpiece
The more you are aware of yourself and how you can manage the many things that are on the table, then you can understand where you want to be putting your energies and focus.
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Victory Letter Archive
(Tomatoes, Confidence, etc.)