Fear Busters

There is one way to gain the upper hand on fear, by finding the courage to walk through what we fear the most.

Happy Monday!

And happy November! Amazing as we head into this week, we are already 6 days into the month. As you read these words today my question for you is this…

What is the one fear that may be holding back your dreams and desires the most?

Is it fear of not enough money or time?

Is it the fear of not having enough confidence to take the needed steps towards that big dream or goal?

Is it a fear of putting yourself out there and falling flat on your face?

What is that fear you hold so close to you, perhaps to the point that you can’t even speak it out loud, to anyone? Even your closet confidants.

I recorded today’s morning momentum video on Halloween morning. As I was prepping to record my thoughts, I considered the reality of how collectively billions of dollars are spent here in the U.S. to scare ourselves every Halloween. Yet, when it comes to facing the fears that actually affect our day-to-day lives, we can be much less daring or willing to spend the time or money facing those fears.

What if we had a haunted house to walk through that didn’t have scary ghosts and goblins but the actual individual fears that are holding each of us back? And, when we came out the other side with our adrenaline flowing, our fears would simply be gone? Easy peasy right?

My hope with today’s letter and video is that the ideas shared will have you looking towards the courage that could possibly take you through those fears. Getting you to think differently about the tools it will take to get you past whatever has been stopping, or delaying the place you want to be at this point in your life.

Here’s to going for all that you desire. To feeling the fear and doing it anyway! What would your world look like if you actually began to tackle that fear by the end of this month? Perhaps even coming out the other side with the joy that overcoming your fears can bring.

Wishing you a most awesome week and month ahead! 

You have got this!

P.S. Today’s pic was yesterday’s glorious sunrise as we fell back an hour for most of us here in the United States. A great time of year to get your morning momentum rocking (my own fear buster) and get a sneak peek of how to utilize your best energies first thing every morning. Our morning momentum program is waiting and at a special fall back price of only $14. Check it out.

To Your Success and Victories,
- Cheri

Cheri Ruskus
Creator and Growth Mentor
cheri@businessvictories.com • @victorygirl

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