The Victory Letter
Get Inspired Every Monday Morning
New Neighbors
Do you believe that strong relationships can increase your creativity? I recently heard Elizabeth Gilbert describe creative living in this way, “Creative living is any life where you routinely, habitually and consistently choose curiosity over fear.”
I love that viewpoint, which brings me to share with you our new neighbors that recently moved into our backyard. They are two little finches that moved into an old birdhouse that has not seen any “tenants” for several years.
Well these two moved in with a flurry and began remodeling the interior immediately. Throwing out the old as they brought in new grasses and other natural elements to build their nest. To our delight they brought with them the most beautiful songs that they sing while they do their work. Whistling while they work at it’s finest!
Burn Baby Burn
It’s about this time every year that I start to explode with creativity. This boost always seems to coincide with my garden fully coming to life. The joy of my garden brings with it an insatiable desire to create. It’s a very good thing that makes summer one of my favorite seasons!
When our imagination is in full swing it ignites us to do things we have not done before. It allows for new growth.
Imagination and the word ignite I really feel go hand in hand. So it’s no accident that it’s time to turn the headlights and ignite the fires around the cool elements inside of the Master Mind Principle of Imagination.
Creative Tune-up
If you have held onto a love relationship or a business for any amount of time you know that nothing brings the spark back like reinvigorating your imagination and doing something new. In other words, giving yourself a creative tune-up.
Soul vs. Sole
How would you best describe what comes naturally when you begin your work each day? In other words, what is your nature? Those moments of time when you are in your absolute best element - doing what you do best.
Imagination Recharge
As we delve into the Master Mind Principle of Imagination this month, let’s start by removing the items in your business that aren’t serving you in getting your creative juices flowing.
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