Tiny Compassion
As another new week begins compassion has been on my mind. During times such as we are living, compassion for others is crucial, compassion for our own individual well-being is vital.
Over these past few weeks I have been enjoying writing every morning and being in that positive creative space. One morning unexpectedly (love that about a consistent writing flow) this poem came out of me and I hope that you enjoy it.
Tiny Compassion
Looking out across the water
Across a mighty and choppy sea
Your life can seem small, even tiny
Leaving you aching for some serenity
Take a look closer
See yourself like never before
Where does your life matter?
What purpose are you here for?
What element of these moments
fills your heart and soul?
Leaving you to think bigger
letting go of negative control…
Bigger isn’t always better
Though it can take you out of your shell
Dreaming bigger dreams
Opening your heart right here where you dwell
Bring back the compassion
Bring back the best of each day
Write about your love of life
And most importantly get out of your own way
Because you are not tiny
And most assuredly you are not even small
You are a giant among many
If measured in feet you would be 10 feet tall
Hop up on your pedestal
Lift yourself way, way up high
Now look again at those rough waters
As you get ready to touch the sky!
Speaking of compassion, this week on the podcast I am delighted to have my daughter Bailey Ruskus (in the picture below), known to her tribe as Chef Bai, on as my guest.
We share an honest discussion about the role of good vibes with food. Most especially the importance of having compassion with the food you eat, and how plants can play a role in your culinary life in a big way.
It is the tiniest of our compassions that can lead us towards our greatest passions. Let’s get out there and make the most of this week with the tools we have in front of us.
Take notice this week in where you are finding your energy sources. Where you stop short of what you need, and where you are allowing your best self to shine.
Most importantly, be safe out there.
To Your Success and Victories,
- Cheri
Cheri Ruskus, Business Growth Coach
cheri@businessvictories.com • 303-652-1718 • @victorygirl
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