Simple Reminder
Happy Monday,
There are times when the best thing we can do for ourselves is find some place quiet to rediscover what matters most within us. To quiet our mind long enough to actually be able to hear what we are thinking below the surface. In other words, to allow our unconscious mind to see the light of day.
This Monday morning finds me at my daughter Bailey’s home in San Diego. Bailey and her husband Steve have taken off to the lovely beaches of Mexico and I have been left here in charge of my two grand puppies Coco and Pina.
I have also had some lovely visiting time with my son Travis and his girlfriend Kate who happen to be in the area visiting as well. Funny how things in life seem divinely timed. Giving me quiet time to think as well as time to appreciate the love I have for my grown children.
With that, this week’s letter is a simple reminder of the importance of getting away from the day-to-day in order to observe life outside the routines we build for ourselves.
There is something about observing our self in a new environment that makes the difference. Giving us time to enjoy others and then our self in the quiet moments.
I don’t know about you, but I love the quiet moments I get to hang out with myself. My morning momentum practice, no matter where I am in the world brings a deeper and richer understanding of myself. A beautiful reset each day to look at what matters most.
If you haven’t yet experienced my Morning Momentum 21 Day Challenge, I highly recommend you give it a go. Giving yourself some high quality alone time before the world gets ahold of you each day.
What is your inner voice asking of you right now that you perhaps might be well advised to listen to? Only you know the answer for sure. And that is where the simple (yet sometimes complex) reminder in the art of getting quiet can assist you along your way.
Have a most awesome week ahead!
To Your Success and Victories
Cheri Ruskus
Creator and Growth Mentor
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