Bringing on the Dream

Never forget the dream always comes first.  – Steven Pressfield

Happy Monday,

When do you let the dream go and when do you just go full on towards the dream? As I wrap up my visit here in California this question has been on my mind.

Each of us has our own hopes and dreams for what we want in our lives. And with those dreams can come a lot of work and uncertainty.

As my business life has been shifting in order to bring in more creative projects, I question myself often. 

Friday if you can believe it marks the 1st day of March. Not only does March bring on Spring (hooray!) but the time when I will shift, grow and change more than what is going to be happening in my garden.

While the vision of the dream keeps shifting a bit, the road to take me there is getting so much more intentional. More to come on this in the weeks ahead.

Dream. Play. Love.

Here is a sign I saw on my journey this past week and I loved the thought of these action steps. And was exactly what I have been up to in my time here in San Diego.

My question for you is how will March take you closer towards your dream(s)? Or perhaps how will it enhance the dream you may already be living?

Last week I released a video of my time here as I did a little redo of my daughter Bailey’s back patio garden.

Enjoy these last few days of February including that extra day, the 29th, we get on Thursday!

See you back in Colorado next Monday!

To Your Success and Victories

Cheri Ruskus
Creator and Growth Mentor

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Fixing It


Simple Reminder