Paying Attention

Attention Energizes, Intention Transforms

- Deepak Chopra

Wow! And just like that Labor Day is behind us and Summer 2021 is fleeting with only 15 days until the official end of summer.

What are your intentions for the Fall season ahead? What shifts and changes do you want to manifest in your life? How did the summer season prepare you for what’s ahead in your life?

I spent a great deal of time over the long weekend in deep thought about these questions and what is most important to me in my work and in my play moving forward. Honestly my work and play seem to overlap quite a bit at times because my work is for the most part my play. How about you?

Mutually equitable is a term that came up in a recent written conversation and I was pondering that as well over the weekend as I listened to the audiobook, Unfu*k Yourself by Gary John Bishop, and putting some deep thought into creating circumstances and relationships based on the win/win formula.

I had resisted listening to this book for some time because I really didn’t like the title. Proved once again you can’t judge a book by its cover, as it was exactly what I needed to hear.

Funny how it came up in recommended reading as I was looking for a book to listen to while I was gardening, and it was just what I needed to hear.

The universe can be like that, pointing us in new directions, if we are open and fully listening. Especially when we have felt resistance to take the action in a certain area of our lives.

Sometimes it might be just about making a mild but important shift, or at times a life changing shift. The key is to be sure to listen and then be ready to take action. This was the general essence of what the book was actually about.

Hearing the positive and letting go of the negative that can tend to creep in when you are not paying attention from both inner and outer sources. Paying attention does in fact motivate and energize us. Then we need to put some strong intentions in place in order to actually move forward.

As one thing wanes in our life such as the seasons, preparing for what is next insures we are living our life to the fullest as we energize our happiness and purpose. All the while enjoying the moments that are right in front of us today.

I am currently preparing for my next Victory Circle Mastermind Group that starts in October. It is part of my Victory Coaching Program and one of the offerings of the Grow Circles. If you are an entrepreneur wishing to take your business or life to the next level reach out and schedule a free 20-minute strategy session to see if it is a fit for you.

Support is essential towards becoming our best selves. So, as you plan for your Fall season ahead pay attention to how much support to give yourself. Cut away the old and prepare for the new.

Yesterday I posted a video of cutting my pumpkins from the vine. A great reminder that sometimes you have to let some things go in order to allow new things in.

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I will be on live Instagram @ noon today for Tenacity Tuesday. If you miss the live you can still check out the recording when you get a chance. I will be sharing more on this topic of paying attention.

Have a most compelling 4-day work week ahead.

To Your Success and Victories,
- Cheri

Cheri Ruskus, Small Business Mentor and Possibility Thinker • 303-652-1718 • @victorygirl

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This is for committed entrepreneurs only and space is extremely limited. Let’s partner up!

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Energy Force


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