Consuming Curiosity

Curiosity is our friend that teaches us how to become ourselves.  – Elizabeth Gilbert

Happy Monday and happy March 2025!

What comes up for you as you think about this week’s quote above?

Have you noticed how the world around us has been requesting for those of us here in America to pay full attention to things beyond ourselves…almost daily if not multiple times each day?

And the news cycle has become all-encompassing as more and more people’s lives are being directly affected with the drastic, not so positive changes happening in our country.

Please know that I am not here to write about “political” stuff even though it is becoming less and less political and more about the survival of the humanitarian and economic base of our country. I however want to have us ponder the role curiosity plays in finding solutions to the variety of life’s problems we encounter.

One of the reasons I garden is to get consumed in curiosity. Planting a seed and watching it emerge from the earth is something I will never get tired of. That little seedling is a drop of hope in the middle of life’s storms.

This week’s video shares how to make a grow room in really any room of your house. Think of it as a way every day you watch these little pieces of hope come out of the dirt. All while imagining what these little seedlings will add to this year’s gardening endeavors outdoors.

I am happy to share also in this week’s video that I have become an Ambassador for the Botanical Interests seed company, and have many cools seeds to share with you in this video as well.

Let me ask the question again…What are you curious about?

As we get curious, we start to explore options in our lives. Especially if our lives have gotten a bit too comfortable in one area or another. I look at curiosity as the wake up call to discover more of what life has to offer.

The picture above was taken from my hotel in Downtown Nashville last week. Perhaps think of  curiosity in that light, when you visit a place for the first time and discover all the things there are to discover. I was even curious about connecting with a friend who lived in Nashville that I had not talked to in close to 20 years and what a lovely experience unfolded because of that curiosity.

While you might not know at first where a path is taking you, if you let your curiosity come out and play by being curious, you are moving energy in your life. Here is an acronym to create a way to look at it…








Our curiosity if you look at it closely is what ends up defining each of us in our own individual way.

Wishing you curiosity in the month ahead that not only brings the abundance of spring in the earth but in your heart as well. Here we go!

Onward we grow,


Cheri Ruskus

Author, Creator and Growth Mentor


Tomato Tomatoe


Unscripted Moments