Unscripted Moments

When you let go of what no longer serves you, you create space for what inspires you.

Happy Monday!

All those years ago when I decided to write the Victory Letter, I choose Monday morning because it is a time of the week when many of us have lower energies. Mainly because historically it’s the time when we head from the more recreational side of our lives and get back to work.

And dependent on our energy levels we may not really get going until Tuesday.

How are your energy levels as you read this morning’s letter?

As I write this, I am getting ready to get on another plane to head to Nashville to help Bailey in this last initial leg of her book tour. So far it has been truly amazing and the more I have a chance to read her book (link to book tour) the more I can’t wait to get back to start making the recipes I haven’t tried yet.

With all of this, it has also been exhausting from an energy perspective and a great reminder of how we need to guard our energy to accomplish the things we want in life. To remember to rest along the way while doing things that can shift our energy moving forward.

Simple things like reminding yourself to take a few extra minutes enjoying the warm water of your morning shower or perhaps going for a walk at the mid-day point. Allowing yourself to get out of your immediate environment and not only move your body but clear your head.

If you can do it out in nature all the better. I was delighted to be able to do just that while in San Diego last week. On the morning after the Launch party there, Ed and my son-in-law’s mom, Kim, took Bailey and Steve to the airport as they headed off to the next leg of their tour.

The three of us with now nothing on our plate for the day, in an unscripted moment, we quickly decided to head to the San Diego Botanic Gardens. Once there we spent the next few hours conversing with nature and each other, while totally shifting our tired energy.

This week’s video is footage from that excursion and a peaceful way to see some amazing flowers and foliage, especially the gigantic cacti and succulents! I hope you enjoy this share as we enjoyed experiencing it.

The cool thing is that when we can leave time in our schedules for unscripted moments, each of us can take these energy building actions, like simply going for a walk in a beautiful place.

So how about it? Look at your schedule in the week ahead and decide when there might be room for the unscripted moments to take place. Enjoy your week!

Onward we grow,


Cheri Ruskus

Author, Creator and Growth Mentor


Consuming Curiosity

