Tomato Tomatoe

“A world without tomatoes is like a string quartet without violins.” 🎻🍅 - Laurie Colwin

Do you enjoy a deliciously ripe summer tomato?

Now this might sound like a strange question when spring has not even sprung yet but trust me it is an important one. Because if you are an avid tomato lover like I am, there is nothing yummier (in my humble opinion) than a juicy homegrown tomato that you have grown from seed in your very own garden.

And in this week’s video I share how and why I have just started my crop of tomatoes downstairs this past week in my grow room.

When I was a kid, I never had the pleasure of eating a tomato from the vine (or bush for that matter) that I remember anyway. I just remember my mother serving us canned stewed tomatoes. Having grown up herself in the Midwest I suppose that is what she was accustomed to, but those stewed tomatoes were horrible! Sorry mom but they scared me off of tomatoes for many years.

If you have never grown a tomato plant from seed under a grow light (an easy way to do so was shared in last week’s video) could be your answer.  I myself am hooked and come the time after the first frost here in Colorado in May my tomato plants will be heading outdoors.

So, what do you think? Do you want to grow along with me? Remember it isn’t until we try something new that we know whether we can or can’t do something. And you don’t need a massive garden to bring them to life either. A pot on your patio or balcony works well too.

I will keep you updated on my tomato babies as they grow as well as the many other babies currently germinating in my seed nursery right now.

When we go from good to great so many amazing possibilities are revealed. Just like how I grew so so tomatoes for years until I started growing them from seed myself.

Have a great week ahead and don’t forget spring as of today is only 10 days away!!

Lets Grow!


Cheri Ruskus

Author, Creator and Growth Mentor

P.S. My videos on the You Tube Grow You Girl channel are released in the wee hours every Sunday morning. If you would like to subscribe to get notified you can do that here.


Spring Garden Cleanup


Consuming Curiosity