Influential Energy
“Birds of a Feather Flock Together”
Have you been noticing all the birds flying around in massive flocks these last couple of weeks in your part of the world? As the fall season gets into full swing here in Colorado I have watched the robins, geese and black birds hanging out with each other – sometimes literally hundreds together at a time.
Part of their gathering together is migration patterns as they begin to move to different climates. Some of it as well is that they are foraging together to get the abundance of the fall harvest from seeds in my garden to the corn leftover in the nearby fields.
What I find most interesting is that by hanging out together they actually gain energy - especially in the case of the flight for the geese. By flying together it actually conserves their energy by reducing the wind resistance. Instinctually, they take turns in order that no one takes the entire burden on of always taking the lead.
In the Victory Circles during this month we focus on the principle of cooperation and how much we all can benefit by joining forces with others, especially in the world of small business. It just takes too much time, money and energy to NOT get the help you need to get your goals achieved as you so desire.
Let me ask you this, have you ever heard yourself say the words either internally or externally, “If I want it done right I will just have to do it myself.” I would like for you to pay even closer attention to the discussions this month around this topic of cooperation because you are creating a much harder path for yourself to travel on than necessary.
I want to share with you this week something I have been working on that I hope that you find helpful in this process. To assist in gaining clarity I have created a comprehensive Daily Output Tracker. This tool will help you to track the things you want to do each day and see if they are getting done – and if not, why?
By following your progress over the course of several weeks you will begin to see where the holes in your day exist that are zapping your energy. This will allow you to gain traction by realistically planning your day and getting the help you need when you need it.
As you head through the month ahead look who it is that you spend your time with each day both in person and online (since so many interactions can happen there).
Are these connections giving you the influential energy you need to succeed both personally and professionally? Sometimes it’s all about just stopping and paying attention to who we are hanging out with that can make a big difference.
I will be hosting two events you can still join this week. The first one is the Never Ending Sales Funnel webinar on Thursday (Oct. 6th) co-sponsored by the SBDC of East Colorado. The second one is a live workshop on Friday (Oct. 7th) about the Power of the Inbox co-sponsored by the Carbon Valley Chamber in Firestone.
Take all this week has to offer you and use it well!
To Your Successes and Victories,
- Cheri
Cheri Ruskus
Author, Business Growth Coach,
and Founder of the Victory Circles