Finding Peace of Mind
I smile as I think of the words that came on the screen at the beginning of a movie I recently watched, “A fictional account inspired by a real story.” All last week leading up to my birthday those words kept ringing in my head! The truth is some days it’s hard to say what’s fictional and what is real - as we remember our past and ponder towards our future.
Yesterday I celebrated 59 years on the planet. 59 years! Wow!
As I ponder on what is to be in this last year of my fifth decade, I feel a stronger sense of gratitude then ever before in my life as I wish for many more juicy days and decades on the planet. I want to create the work I love, surrounded by the people I love, having fun and lots of laughter in the process.
In order to achieve this goal I know I need one key ingredient and that is to continue to strive for peace of mind in each given day and moving towards the future.
In last week’s letter I asked you to join a challenge with me to pick a problem in your life you might be facing. The idea was that every morning to have a 5 to 15 minute meditation practice with your problem of choice hanging out with you. To stop and take a look at that single problem without the many distractions that can be all around you during the course of the busyness of your day.
It became very evident that the universe wanted me to play right along with you as a bright new shiny problem made it’s way into my life after writing last week’s letter. It was a pretty major problem and something that I could not further ignore. The problem was one that made my stomach hurt because it was attached to money and out of my control.
As I began my meditation practice at daybreak on Tuesday morning, this problem was sitting right there with me. I was having trouble with letting go of the angst this problem was causing me.
I opened my eyes and in front of me was one of the beautiful sunflowers that are throughout my garden. It’s beauty and energy brought a smile to my face as it reminded me of the beautiful yellow finch that has been flying around the garden since my sunflowers have arrived.
This amazing bird has been munching with delight on the many different flower seeds that the garden currently has to offer. You might have guessed by now that I have a major love for flowers and birds with the combination of how they interact in the peace of the garden being a bonus.
After looking up at the sunflower, I spent about 10 minutes just imagining approaching my life with that same kind of energy as this cool little finch. Enjoying the abundance of what I already have in my life with or without the problem.
This way of thinking did the trick. It allowed me to get out of the pattern of worrying about something I had no control over and put it towards something I did have control over.
Here is the even cooler part: as I worked through my problem over the course of the week, every time I started to feel the stress about it rising up within in me I thought of that little yellow finch and my angst quickly and easily disappeared.
So perhaps if your problem is still hanging with you, what is something that comes to mind that can give you a sense of joy and peace?
Would love to have you share the thoughts around your problem and the way you can or can’t find a solution by leaving a comment below.
Perhaps one of the greatest gifts we have is to continue to grow older with our minds fully in tact. Hope you continue trying this meditation practice and finding in it a wonderful resource that is 100% free to ease your own mind.
In other news, if you are looking to get more leads in your business you will definitely want to join me on Wednesday for a great (and free) webinar, Generating a Never Ending Sales Funnel.
Here’s to finding peace of mind in the week ahead!
To Your Successes and Victories,
- Cheri
Cheri Ruskus
Author, Business Growth Coach,
and Founder of the Victory Circles