Deep Joy
“We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.”
Last week I shared with you the three characteristics of Clarity, Creativity and Courage that I talked about in my recent keynote, A Leap of Faith.
It seemed to hit a vein with so many of you, my readers, that I thought that this week I would share with you a condensed version of the talk in my Courage to Be the Difference Podcast.
This podcast I share with you today starts at the point of asking yourself just how happy are you today and then moving forward from there. Why? Because taking a leap of faith can actually takes us closer to our deepest joy filled moments.
One of the elements I talk about in using these characteristics is getting past the metaphorical corner, that intersection between here and where we want to go.
Sometimes because we want so much we have a hard time focusing on the exact roadmap we need to get us there.
In this talk I share my challenge this year to get my self in the physical shape to ride 100 miles around Lake Tahoe. That feat, as those of you who have been with me all year know, I accomplished last June proceeded by 1,000 training miles.
As with anything a key in all we do is the support we have along the way. I want to give a shout out to long time friend and fellow coach, Don Smith who gave me so much support in preparing for Leap of Faith. His expertise in the field of coaching people to speak on stage was invaluable to me.
From my vantage point it is all about the joy in the journey – no matter where each of our journeys are taking us.
Have a most awesome, focused and empowering week ahead.
To Your Success and Victories,
- Cheri
Cheri Ruskus
Business Strategist and Founder of the Victory Circles
Phone: 303-652-1718