Changing Perspectives

Wherever you go, there you are.

This morning I got to start the day in one of my most favorite ways … watching the moon set over our beautiful mountains. There is something magical and mystical about watching as night turns into day. Something that I enjoy in the solitude of being exclusively with myself that touches a piece of my soul.

Which brings up something I wanted to talk to you about today. Being your own best friend. Here’s the deal. No one else on the planet, other than you, likes every single thing that you do or dislikes all the same exact things you do for that matter.

Recently, while attending a creativity workshop, the facilitator talked about how our inner critic can play havoc with our creative flow. What she brought up was becoming best friends with your inner critic. Wow! What a concept I thought! For years in my work as a coach and human being I have always thought about the importance of keeping your inner critic at arm’s length to keep this part of your mind from playing havoc with the endeavors, especially creatively, that you want to achieve.

Well under the precept of keeping your friends close and your enemies closer, it makes sense to make your inner critic and all the voices in your head your best friends. Now don’t get me wrong this does not mean you have to become over enthralled with yourself. Or leave your other outer best friends in the lurch (and those of you reading this know who you are to me), it just means that you can enjoy spending time with yourself just as much as you do with anyone else.

So, give it a try in the week ahead and beyond. Enjoy every moment you spend in solitude with yourself. Think of fun things you can do by yourself, for yourself. No waiting to get someone to play along because they don’t want to do what you want to do.

With this idea comes the deepest, utmost love, and respect for who you are and what you bring to the world at large. Take yourself to places you have yet to explore! And have lots of fun with your inner bestie in the process.


Yes today’s picture was taken this morning by my inner best friend 😌

To Your Success and Victories,
- Cheri

Cheri Ruskus, Business Coach, Author and Speaker • 303-652-1718 • @victorygirl

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