Money Cadence
“There are people who have money and people who are rich.”
With the topic of money always looming around us this is as good a time as any to talk a bit about this normally taboo topic. Every April here in the Victory Circles the principle of Self Control with Money is the topic for discussion.
Last week we talked about challenges and the elements within us to take them on. I always have loved the question – “If money was no object what would you actually do with your life?” The answer to that question can bring on these further questions:
- Does money make you happy or just stress you out?
- Would you call money a friend or foe?
- Do you chase money or does money chase you?
As you know by now bicycling has become a big part of my life these days. In fact as of this past weekend I have collectively cycled over 500 miles since the beginning of February. I have come to look at cycling (which I have always loved) with a whole new respect for how much dedication the sport requires.
There is a lot I need to improve on in my cycling game especially when it comes to my speed. In fact, at this point unfortunately I am one of the slowest on our larger Rocky Mountain team. This has been a humbling experience for me to face my grand idea head on and to accept where my body currently needs to grow.
One of the things that our team coach talked to me about during last weeks training ride is improving what is called “pedaling cadence.” What I learned is that cadence is the rhythm, flow, and power that comes with it when you consistently pedal at a certain rate throughout your ride.
The cadence that gets a bike down the road is the physical force that you consistently pedal. This is what makes one person go faster than another or have more stamina through an entire ride.
When you apply cadence to money, it’s fascinating to understand why one person’s stamina with money can be so different than another’s. No matter where we are financially, the difference is how the money actually flows and the joy or stress it brings to us.
How could you improve your cadence in dealing with money and assets you want to acquire in the year ahead? With Tax Day 2018 as marker what will you do differently in the year ahead?
Acknowledging where you are is the beginning steps to make a change and improve your cadence. Where you take that next step is completely up to you!
To Your Success and Victories,
- Cheri
Cheri Ruskus
Business Strategist and Founder of the Victory Circles
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