Think of the possibilities if you took the time to grow a new element
of happiness and creativity in your life?

Life comes at us fast and before you know you it the path you are on might look uncertain and feel somewhat out of control. Aging isn’t about lotions and potions it’s actually about your mindset and the hope you have placed in

Time is one of our greatest commodity’s. Most goals/dreams that don’t happen has a lot to do with the time we actually give towards insuring that true happiness is our end result. Take an hour out of your day to utilize the Victory Goal map to see where you might be leaving a part of your precious time on the table.

Grow You with Cheri on Youtube

Mindset Matters

Hi, my name is Cheri Ruskus and I’m a Business Coach, Author, Motivational Speaker and Workshop Facilitator.

I bring to the table over 20 years of coaching experience, after previously owning and selling a successful small business of my own. It has been my privilege to have assisted so many other entrepreneurs to find the answers they had been missing over the course of their business journey.

My specialty is in working with women entrepreneurs (though I most assuredly work with men as well) in finding the solutions to their momentous challenges in the never ending work/life balance. So many finding themselves with a lack of time, money and a clear direction that can stop their desired success.

As I work alongside my clients, I guide and teach them new ways to find new habits around honoring their precious time, develop a healthier money mindset, and create systems within their business that serves their unique business and lifestyle best.

The best place to start in working with me is with my initial Grow Coaching Sessions. Through both online and live one to one coaching sessions we can begin to articulate what you actually want moving forward. This program has been developed after years of hands on experience in founding both my own businesses and working with 1,000’s of clients in theirs.

Together, through the Grow Sessions online program that you can start immediately, today, we will assess your goals and see how they match your current values, desires, wants and needs.

From there we will roll up our sleeves and get you where you want to go. Together we can create a realistic, growth oriented strategy that gives you the peace of mind by knowing you are on track for the greater good for your life overall. You can also continue the work if you choose in our Victory Program.

In this program we will work together over the course of six months and beyond if you so desire, to brainstorm and continue to align your business through ongoing marketing and sales strategies as well as assuring that all your business systems continue to stay on target.

Cheri Ruskus
Business Coach, Author and Speaker
@victorygirl on Instagram



Why Coaching Works

There are so many details in running a business that it can easily become overwhelming. Here are some top reasons to have an experienced Business Coach by your side. Especially, a Business Coach who has the depth and experience of not only many decades of owning a business but coaching others to run their efficiently as well.

  • A Coach can help you see the blind spots that have built up over time while bringing a fresh perspective.

  • A Coach encourages you with tools that can build confidence for making the small and big changes that will make such a difference.

  • A Coach will give you unbiased, constructive feedback.

  • A Coach is certified and has real world business experience in bringing new habits and ideas to life for you.

  • A Coach has the ability to ask the hard questions and hold you accountable to your answers.

  • A Coach will help to further set and reach attainable goals ensuring you are clear on the various steps required.

  • A Coach will keep you on track when you start to drift off towards those bright shiny objects that are not serving you (some can and some can’t).

  • A Coach will be your advocate to assist you to be your most fulfilled self.

  • A Coach will help with the balance between business and a personal life.


Not sure which option is best for you right now?

Register for a free 20 minute strategy session.



who make this dream possible